Sunday, 14 December 2014

To Buy Or Not To Buy - Sleep Tracker

If I'm honest, the term "getting one's beauty sleep" has always been a mystery to me. 

For as long as I can remember, I have never been any good at sleeping. As a child, I was regularly driven around in the early hours by my poor, sleep deprived parents, in the hope that the slow rhythmic murmur of my mother's red mini metro would send me into a deep slumber. Whilst at university, having been unable to master the art of a lie-in or an afternoon nap, I spent most of my days in a state of permanent fatigue (heavily disguised by the perfect combination of touché éclat and caffeine)

These days (and about a gazillion sheep later), I find myself still unable to crack the sleeping code. Occasionally I find that six hours sleep leaves me waking up as fresh as a daisy whilst after eight hours sleep, I am desperately slapping on concealer on those overbearing dark circles. Whereas on other days, six hours sleep leaves me unable to open my eyes due to a heavy coating of sleepy dust, where as after a nine hour sleep marathon, I am good to go without even a miracle cup of Earl Grey. Puzzling.

With three weeks holiday and a warm furry creature (the puppy not the boyfriend)to cuddle up to, I thought I would crack the sleeping code once and for all. 

Sleep Survival Kit

Soft pyjamas - check

Fennel tea - check

Laptop ban before bed - check

Hot water bottle - check 

Eye Mask - check

This Works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray - check

Plump pillows - check

Warm bath - check

Sleep Tracker -

Sleep trackers like the Fitbit Flex pictured above, claim to improve the quality and length of your sleep in the longterm by "staying awake" while you sleep to monitor and record your sleeping patterns. Every morning your personal dashboard will reveal how long you slept for (deep and light sleep), how many times you woke up and a summary of your eye movements (fancy), so as to enable you determine the triggers inhibiting a good nights sleep. It also promises to wake you up at a good point during your sleep cycle so that you are more likely to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Quite a claim for a wrist band, no?

At a hefty £79.99, the Fitbit Flex doesn't come cheap and therefore calls for further investigation before taking the plunge. You also run the risk of becoming sleep tracker crazy and binging on other gadgets for your chest, mattress and nightstand.

So, Sleep Tracker - Yay or Nay?

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